Day 03, Part 02: Lausanne with Walter

Day 03, Part 02: Wednesday, July 23, 2014

After eating lunch, Walter played hooky from the afternoon presentations at the conference and we went into Lausanne together. I asked him what he wanted to see and he specifically wanted to go see the shopping district. We wandered through several streets going in and out of different shops that Walter wanted to go into to.
Day 03 21Day 03 23
Walter was particularly fascinated with one shop that was a pawn shop. I kept on following Walter in only to be driven out by the smell of weed/clove cigarettes and mothballs. He was interested in the different gaming systems, musical instruments, and other electronic devices within. I was more interested in being able to breathe.
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With more wandering we crossed over a bridge, watched some firemen wash their tiny firetrucks and into a nice park. Earlier that day, on my way back to the hotel for lunch, I had actually spotted a Domino’s pizza place. Freaking out, I asked Walter if we could have Domino’s pizza for dinner. He, of course, said yes. Unfortunately, they were closed from 2pm until 5pm so we had to kill some time.
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Day 03 31
In this park was a few buckets of pine cones. As we were sitting on a bench talking, we saw two teenage boys walk up and start throwing a bunch of pine cones angrily into a fenced in dirt/grass patch. Walter and I were quite confused and theorized that this was the Swiss version of vandalism or rebellion. A few minutes after they left, we got up to continue walking through the park and saw that there was a sign actually encouraging people to throw these pine cones into the fenced-in areas. The reason was something weird-sounding related to these being the seeds that the community is planting together or something.
Day 03 52 Day 03 53 Day 03 55 Day 03 Combo 4Yes, after waiting for a bit, we excitedly walked to Domino’s and ordered pizza and cheesy bread. Good day. On Thursday, I took a train to Bern, Switzerland so that’s up next on the blog!

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